One on One Sessions are tailored to your specific and unique needs in a safe and nurturing space.

You’ll receive immediate feedback, literature suggestions to support your goals, as well as written and video documentation of our sessions together.

Where to Begin

Private lessons can be structured in ways that best meet your needs. As a starting point, you might consider the following options:

  • Package of 3 Sessions to address specific questions or texts you might be working with

  • Package of 6 Sessions to explore Creative Speech benefits as they can apply to performance, teaching, presenting, storytelling, etc. 

  • Package of 12 Sessions to go deeper into Creative Speech and its applications to personal and professional growth, and reaching your goals.

Private 50 minute lessons in Creative Speech are a wonderful way to both address your own individual needs, and enhance any group work or programs you might be enrolled in, whether through The Art of Speech Collective or in your own courses of study. 

I delight in mentoring and coaching participants individually, or in groups via workshops, conferences, in-service events, and/or professional development classes. All who wish to enhance their use of voice for personal growth, healing, performing, or educating are welcome here!

 Please contact me to learn more about all the possible applications of Speech Instruction. 

Reciting poetry with a class of students is one of the great joys of teaching. Starting the day with the humor, drama, wisdom or lyricism of a poem gave the students and me, their teacher, energy and heart for the day. Recitation should never become mechanical, dull or droning. Having practiced creative speech formation in trainings was one of the greatest gifts to my teaching for which I was always grateful. Through it I could bring life to the students. When I was a class teacher and colleague of Debbie’s, watching her do speech work with her students was an inspiration! 

- Natalie Adams, Waldorf teacher